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Murzyn Law Mediation

Preparation Tips for a Mediation

Dispute resolution through mediation is often the preferred method of coming to reasonable solution for the parties involved. Typically overseen by an impartial third party, mediation offers conflict negotiations to be conducted until a mutually acceptable agreement has been achieved. The ability to avoid the trial process is the most attractive feature of going the… Read More »

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Murzyn Law Litigation

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Litigation Attorney

If you have entered litigation or are considering entering litigation, hiring the right attorney is critical to the outcome of your case. Unfortunately, people often jump into working with a litigator without properly understanding anything about that person’s trial experience, their firm’s communication policies, or even if they are compatible with your particular needs and… Read More »

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When To Start Estate Planning

Many people hear the term “estate planning” and automatically make the false assumption that it only applies to those who are very wealthy or entering retirement. On the contrary, however, estate planning is something that applies to people in a wide age range and with an even wider range of net worth. The reality is… Read More »

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what is a real estate attorney, murzyn law, naperville real estate attorney

9 Common Home Inspection Issues

Purchasing a home is one of the biggest investments that most people make it their lifetime. From fixer-uppers to relatively newly built homes, understanding and evaluating the potential purchase from all aspects is essential. It is always recommended to hire a trustworthy, experienced home inspector during the inspection period. This person should be trusted to… Read More »

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Contract Negotiation

5 Basic Elements of a Trust

When it comes to things like wills and trust, people often get confused and overwhelmed with terminology and legal jargon. First and foremost, a trust refers to the fiduciary relationship that allows a third party to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary. It is important to understand that trusts can be arranged in a… Read More »

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Risks of Entering Into a Contract without Legal Counsel

Entering into a legal contract comes with a number of risks, some more foreseeable than others. As such, it is always recommended to consult with an experienced attorney before entering into contract negotiations, and certainly before executing a contract. Unfortunately, far too many people underestimate the gravity of a contract and therefore go into it… Read More »

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Residential Real Estate Transactions

Hottest Predicted Real Estate Markets in 2019

The New Year is quickly approaching and that means new forecasts and projections for the housing market. Whether you are a real estate investor or you are simply looking to relocate, having a finger on the pulse of the housing market is important. It’s no secret that the real estate market is in an interesting… Read More »

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Winter Home with Holiday Lights and Tracks

Holiday Tips for Small Business Owners

The holiday season can be a very stressful time for small business owners across the country. From staffing issues to increases in foot traffic or online traffic, running a company during this season can be both rewarding and overwhelming. Far too many entrepreneurs attempt to take on this stress by wearing many hats, only tiring… Read More »

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